Vehicles with salvage or rebuilt titles are much cheaper than similar ones with clean titles. For buyers, this can make higher-end models more affordable. It is also an interesting option for those who enjoy customizing or plan to resell. However, these titles...
With vehicle prices higher than ever, consumers expect the vehicles they purchase to be safe. They rarely expect manufacturing or design defects to deem the vehicle hazardous. When issues creep up during the first two years after the vehicle is manufactured, the...
Car dealerships have customers sign titles all the time, but often don't follow the rules for titles. The federal Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, generally known as the Odometer Act, has very specific procedures for completing a title. Procedures for...
The West Virginia Lemon Law says that purchased vehicles are covered but makes no mention of leases. Does that mean that leased vehicles are not protected under the Lemon Law in WV? Leased vehicles are not transferred In addition to owners of purchased vehicles, the...
A used car purchase typically starts with an ad from the internet. The potential buyer goes to the dealership expecting to purchase the vehicle described in the ad. The problem is that the car on the lot may not be what was described in the ad. It may have more miles...
Many people associate debt collectors with aggressive business practices. Creditors may make repeated calls, affect people’s stress levels by making threats, and even trick them into paying bills in some cases. While there are numerous federal laws limiting how...
Midsize SUVs are some of the most popular vehicles in the United States. Many people often purchase them to fit their growing family. They also assume that the larger size means that they are safe. There’s something to be said about size, but one study has found that...
Two Korean car manufacturers have just issued a massive recall alert, while simultaneously urging the owners of over half a million vehicles to park their cars and minivans outside, well away from any buildings. The reason for the recall is a fear that the vehicles...
The bankruptcy filing by Pink Energy has left homeowners without warranty support for faulty solar energy systems. To make matters worse, some subcontractors who performed warranty work on solar energy systems have threatened to file mechanics’ liens against...
If you are behind on your payments and concerned that your car may be repossessed, there are some steps to take that can help protect your potential rights after repossession. Start by taking the vehicle purchase agreement out of the car. The finance or purchase...