Dealing With Dealer Fraud or Lemon Law? GET HELP! Fight For Your Rights.

You Still Have Rights Even With An Arbitration Clause

Many vehicle purchase, finance and lease agreements contain arbitration clauses, but consumers only find out about these clauses when there is an issue after the purchase. Arbitration is a means for dealerships and finance companies to force consumers to have cases heard by panels of arbitrators who favor businesses instead of by juries and take away the ability to appeal a bad decision. You still have options for recovery against a dealership or finance company even with an arbitration clause.

From the Pittsburgh and Morgantown offices of Roseman Law Firm, PLLC, attorney Christina Gill Roseman can help you understand arbitration and whether it is the only avenue of resolution available to you. With her years of experience, Ms. Roseman is an aggressive advocate, regardless of whether your dealer fraud matter in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio or Indiana must go through arbitration or can be handled in court.

Is The Arbitration Clause In Your Contract Enforceable?

Dealerships and finance companies put arbitration clauses in purchase contracts, finance agreements, buyer’s orders or other documents that were signed when purchasing a vehicle. That arbitration clause, however, may not be valid. The dealer must follow certain guidelines for an arbitration clause to be binding. There may be other instances as required by law.

Some clauses, even if enforceable or not, have a 30-day opt-out period. During this time, a letter can be sent to the seller to indicate that yes, you are opting out of the mandatory arbitration clause. This allows you to have your case decided by a neutral judge or jury instead of business-oriented arbitrators. If you have concerns about the vehicle or vehicle financing where there is an arbitration clause, it’s best to discuss your issues with attorney Roseman.

Do Not Let An Arbitration Clause Scare You – You Have Options

To learn more about your rights and whether or not arbitration is required, call attorney Roseman at 1-800-745-5259 or contact her online today.